Annual Report Pennsylvania Part three Industrial Statistics. Vol 7 1879-80
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Annual Report Pennsylvania Part three Industrial Statistics. Vol 7 1879-80
Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Part three Industrial Statistics. Vol 7 1879-80
Published 1881.
474 pages 3 maps Many fold out pages.
Hard Cover
Mining, Car builders, railroads, agricutlure, more!
average annual value of leading crops, 162
annual value of crops of Pennsylvania during the past ten years, 163
increase of acreage for the past ten years, 163
works-plows, mowers, reapers, etc., 91
Article on building and loan associations, by John H. Kerr, Esq., 266-269
Blast furnaces, returns of, 42-47
recapitulation, 47
employes, average daily and yearly earnings in, 206-207
Bloomaries, returns of, 52
Boot and shoe manufacturers, 91
Brick manufacturers, 91-92
Bridge builders, . . .92
Buckwheat, national acreage, yield, and value of, for the past ten years, . . 170
annual acreage, yield, and value of the crops of Pennsylvania for ten years,171
average annual yield per acre for ten years, 171
Building and loan associations, 266-285
article on, by John H. Kerr, Esq.,
circular sent to, 270
number of blanks issued to, 270
summary of,i 271
returns of, 272-285
Carriages and wagons, returns of, 78-79
Carriage and wagon works, etnploye's average daily and yearly earnings in, 218
Carpet manufacturers of Philadelphia, 103-108,125
Coal, anthracite,8-23
anthracite field of Pennsylvania and their exhaustion, 8-18
out put of, from 1820 to 1880, inclusive,19
areas owned by. several companies, and the per cent of the whole in
tons, in the above fields, 20
area of anthracite basins, 20
United States product of anthracite and bituminous, for 1869 and 1880,exports of, anthracite and bituminous, for the year ended June 30,1877
to 1880, United States, 21
returns of, 22-26
bituminous, returns of, 27-33
recapitulation, 27
Corn, crop of, 1830, .....163
acreage, yield, and value of, of the United States for the past ten years, . 164
crop of, of Pennsylvania for the past ten years, 164
annual yield per acre from 1871 to 1830, 161
Cotton manufacturers, 109-111,127-128
manufacture, preliminary report of tenth census, United States, 140
Cotton and woolen manufacturers,
. 129-130
Cows, number, value per head, and total value of, of the State, 175
Crucibles, 93
Page.EARNINGS, average daily and yearly, of miners, (anthracite,) 202-203(bituminous,) 204-205employes, (blast furnaces,) 206-207(rolling-mills,) 209-210average daily, of employes, (Bessemer steel works,) 211average daily and yearly, of employes, (iron foundries,) . . . ....212-213(window-glass,) . .....214-215(flint and green glass,) 215-216average weekly and yearly, of employ6s, (lumber,)217average daily and yearly, of employes, (carriage and wagon works.) . .218(tanneries,) ..... . .219-220(miscellaneous industries,) . . . .221(textile fabrics,) . . . . . .222-223
Employe's returns, showing average daily and yearly earnings and expendi-
tures, etc
Engines, etc., 93Exports of merchandise from the United States for the year 1880, compared
with 1879, 186-189petroleum, quantities and values of petroleum and its products from the
principal and other ports of the United States during the years ending
June 30, from 1875 to 1880, inclusive, 149-151Extract from pay-roll of Valley mines, (Thomas Lynch, superintendent,). .198FARM WAGES AND BOARD in the several counties of the State for 1879, . .. .2401880, . .. .241Furniture manufacturers, 93GLASS MANUFACTORIES, winclow, returns of, flint and green, returns of,, summary of, for the United States, window, employes average daily and yearly earnings in, . . . . . .76-77 76 76-77 77 214-215flint and green, employes average daily and yearly earnings in, 215-216HAY, crop of, of United States, annual crop of, of Pennsylvania, acreage, yield per acre, and price per ton for ten years, crops of the eight largest hay producing States, 171-172 171 172 172Historical and statistical table of the United States and Territories, 262-263
Horses, number, estimated value per head, and total annual value of, for the
past ten years,. . ...174
Hosiery and knit goods manufacture of Philadelphia, 112-116
Hosiery and knit goods manufacture, 131-132
Imports of iron ore into the United States by countries during the year ending
June 30, 1879 and 1880, and six months ended December 31, 1880,. . .185merchandise of the United States for the year 1880, compared with 1879, . 181-185
Industries, blanks issued and returned, 3-4
miscellaneous production, and returns of, 91-96
miscellaneous, employes average daily and yearly earnings in, 221
census of Philadelphia,. . . .. .. 178-180
Iron foundries, returns of, showing production, &c., 70-75
recapitulation, 75
employes average daily and yearly earnings in, 212-213
Iron and steel, 34-69
production of, from 1872 to 1880, inclusive, in the United States, 35-36
condition of furnaces in the several States, 37
condition of furnaces in certain districts of Pennsylvania and Ohio, . . 37
certain raw materials used in the manufacture of, in the census year of 1880,65
details of production, embracing certain special varieties of, 69
Page.EARNINGS, average daily and yearly, of miners, (anthracite,) 202-203(bituminous,) 204-205employes, (blast furnaces,) 206-207(rolling-mills,) 209-210average daily, of employes, (Bessemer steel works,) 211average daily and yearly, of employes, (iron foundries,) . . . ....212-213(window-glass,) . .....214-215(flint and green glass,) 215-216average weekly and yearly, of employ6s, (lumber,)217average daily and yearly, of employes, (carriage and wagon works.) . .218(tanneries,) ..... . .219-220(miscellaneous industries,) . . . .221(textile fabrics,) . . . . . .222-223
Employe's returns, showing average daily and yearly earnings and expendi-
tures, etc
Engines, etc., 93Exports of merchandise from the United States for the year 1880, compared
with 1879, 186-189petroleum, quantities and values of petroleum and its products from the
principal and other ports of the United States during the years ending
June 30, from 1875 to 1880, inclusive, 149-151Extract from pay-roll of Valley mines, (Thomas Lynch, superintendent,). .198FARM WAGES AND BOARD in the several counties of the State for 1879, . .. .2401880, . .. .241Furniture manufacturers, 93GLASS MANUFACTORIES, winclow, returns of, flint and green, returns of,, summary of, for the United States, window, employes average daily and yearly earnings in, . . . . . .76-77 76 76-77 77 214-215flint and green, employes average daily and yearly earnings in, 215-216HAY, crop of, of United States, annual crop of, of Pennsylvania, acreage, yield per acre, and price per ton for ten years, crops of the eight largest hay producing States, 171-172 171 172 172Historical and statistical table of the United States and Territories, 262-263
Horses, number, estimated value per head, and total annual value of, for the
past ten years,. . ...174
Hosiery and knit goods manufacture of Philadelphia, 112-116
Hosiery and knit goods manufacture, 131-132
Imports of iron ore into the United States by countries during the year ending
June 30, 1879 and 1880, and six months ended December 31, 1880,. . .185merchandise of the United States for the year 1880, compared with 1879, . 181-185
Industries, blanks issued and returned, 3-4
miscellaneous production, and returns of, 91-96
miscellaneous, employes average daily and yearly earnings in, 221
census of Philadelphia,. . . .. .. 178-180
Iron foundries, returns of, showing production, &c., 70-75
recapitulation, 75
employes average daily and yearly earnings in, 212-213
Iron and steel, 34-69
production of, from 1872 to 1880, inclusive, in the United States, 35-36
condition of furnaces in the several States, 37
condition of furnaces in certain districts of Pennsylvania and Ohio, . . 37
certain raw materials used in the manufacture of, in the census year of 1880,65
details of production, embracing certain special varieties of, 69
Iron and steel works, number and capacity of, of the United States, 58-59
capital invested in, of the United States, 59
production of, of United States, census years 1870 and 1880, 59
geographical distribution of, in the United States, 60
comparative production of all the States in 1870 and 1880, . . . 61-62
relative rank in production of all the States in 1870 and 1880, 63
counties of the first class producing over 100,000 tons of pig iron, &c., . .64
counties of the second class producing over 100,000 tons of pig iron, &c., .64
centre of total production, 64
mineral products used by, of the United States, 64
grand aggregate of, 66-67
number of establishments, 66-67
capital invested, 66-67
hands employed, 66-67
wages paid, . . .. . 66-67
value of products, &c, 66-67
Production of pig iron in the United States in the census year of 1880,68
rolled iron, census year of 1880, 68
Bessemer steel ingots, census year of 1880, 68
open-hearth steel ingots, census year of 1880, 68
crucible steel ingots, census year of 1880, 68
blister and other steel, census year of 1880,
blooms made from ore, census year of 1880, 68
blooms made from pig and scrap-iron, census year of 1880,68
LABOR LAWS,. . . 425-448
Letter to Secretary, Chief of Bureau's, 1-2
Live stock, 173-177Number, value per head, and total value of the different classes during the
past year, 174
Lumber, returns of, 80-86
recapitulation, 86
product, 86
employes average
dreekly and yearly earnings in,
bituminous, first district, 286-341
statement'of the capacity and production in the first district, 288-290
new mines and improvements, 290-293
remarks on ventilation, 293-297
waste of coal in mining, 297-298
remarks on accidents, in the First district, 299-316
location of collieries, 317-322
characteristics, average number of employes, production, etc., of collier-
ies in the First district, 323-325
method of ventilation, openings, headings, etc., 326-329
average monthly statement of ventilation, 330-337
list of casualties in the First district, 338-341
bituminous, Second district, 342-374
statement of the capacity and production of the Second district, . . . 342
cause of accidents, 342-343
remarks on accidents, 343-348
article on S. Diescher's coal washing machine, 348-350
location of mines on low grade railroad, 350-352
Allegheny Valley railroad, 352-354
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad, . .354in Beaver and Lawrence counties on the E.
P. R. R.,354-355
Mercer county, 355-356
new mines and improvements, 357-358
Mine Inspector's Report, bituminous, Second district-
_ocation of collieries in the Second district, 359-360
characteristics, average number of employ6s, production, etc., of collier-
ies in the Second district, 361-332
method of ventilation, openings, headings, etc., 363
average monthly statement of ventilation, 364-372
list of casualties in the Second district, 373-374
bituminous, Third district, 375-423
communication, 375-378
remarks on accidents, 379-380
examination of mines, 380-407
location of collieries in the Third district, 408-409
characteristics, average number of employe's, production, etc., of collier-
ies in the Third district, 410-411
method of ventilation, openings, headings, etc., 412-413
average monthly statement of ventilation, 414,421
list of casualties in the Third district, 422-423
OATS, acreage, yield and value of crops of the United States for the past ten
years, 168annual acreage, yield and value of crop in Pennsylvania for the past ten
years, 168
yield per acre for ten years, 168
cash value of crop for ten years, 169
Oxen and other cattle-number, value per head, and total value of, in Pennsyl-
vania, for ten years,176
Paper manufacturers, 95
Payment of wages, 197-198
Petroleum, 144-152
general statement for the year 1830,144statement by united pipe lines of gross stocks, sediments and surplus, net
stocks, outstanding acceptances, and credit balances, from April, 1377,
to December, 1880,145
monthly statement of producing wells from 1870-1880, 146
number of wells completed from 1870 to 1830,146
average daily production each month from 1870 to 1880, 147
shipments of crude, and refined reduce]. to crude equivalent, 1870-1880, 147
stock of crude, in the oil producing fields, 1870 to 1880,148
drilling wells at close of each month, from 1870 to 1830,. .. . .148
Exports of quantities and values of, and its products exported from the prin-
cipal and other ports of the United States, during the years ended June
30, from 1875 to 1880, inclusive; 149-151
Produced and exported from the United States from 1864 to 1890, inclusive,152
Pig iron, production of, from 1872 to 1880, by States, 33-40
census year of 1880, 68
anthracite, . . . .. . . 38
. .
bituminous coal and coke, 39
Pennsylvania, 38-39
recapitulation according to fuel, 40
product of, in certain districts, 40
Plumbing materials,96
Population of the United States at each census, from 1800 to 1830, 264-265
Potatoes, national acreage, yield, and value of, during the past ten years, . . 169
acreage, yield, and value of, of Pennsylvania, for ten years, 169-170
annual cash value per acre for ten years, 170
Price list of goods at Si alley store, and individual stores, 199
Prices of groceries, provisions, &c., compiled from employ6's returns, . . . 252-255
RAILROADS, characteristics of, 153-157amount of freight transported on, during the year 1880, specifying quantity
in tons, 158-161
(conducting transportation,) employ6's monthly wages, 224-227
(maintenance of way,) employe's monthly wages, 228-231
(motive power,) employe's monthly wages, 232-239
Report of State Board of Agriculture, 162-177
Rolling-mills, returns of, 48-51
recapitulation, 51
iron products in census years of 1870 and 1880 in the United States, . . .60
table showing prices paid per ton to the respective occupations therein, . 208
employ6's average daily and yearly earnings in, 209-210
Ropes, twines and cordage, 96
Salts, 96-97
Sash, doors, etc., 97
Scales, 97
School statistics, 256-261
Sheep, annual number, value per head, and total value of, in Pennsylvania for
the past ten years, 177
Silk and silk mixed goods of Philadelphia, 117-118,133
Silk manufacture, preliminary report of tenth census, exhibiting silk produc, number of factories, value of material and products, number of hands
employed, and total wages paid, etc., 141-143
Slate roofing, flagging, etc., Statements with regard to prices of groceries, and use of store checks at valley
mines, 199-201Statements of the school system since its establishment under the present law,
excluding Philadelphia, 260-261
Steel, Bessemer, product of, in the United States in 1880, 41
works, returns of, 53-55
recapitulation, product, 55
employe's average daily earnings in, 211
finished products of census year 1880, 60
open hearth, finished products of census year 1880, 60
crucible, etc., returns of, 56-57
Swine, number, value per head, and total value of, of the State for the past ten
years, 176
TABLE showing population, etc., of the several counties of the State, 6-7
Tabular statement of counties for the school year ended June 7, 1880, 256-259
Tanneries, returns of, 87-90
recapitulation, 90
employs average daily and yearly earnings in, 219-220
Terra-cotta ware, 97
Textile fabrics, 99-143
review of, by Lorin Blodgett, esquire, 99-102
list of power mills and machinery of, of Philadelphia, compiled from report
of Lorin Blodgett, esquire, 103-124
carpets, 103-108
cotton, 109-111
hosiery and knit goods, 112-116
silk and silk-mixed goods, 117-118
woolens, 119-121
yarn, 122-124
Textile fabrics-
summary of, of Philadelphia, 124
recapitulation, 139
total production, 139
employs average daily and yearly earnings in, 222-223
Tobacco, average yield, and value of crop in Pennsylvania for ten years,.172
annual yield per acre of the crop of, of Pennsylvania, 173
WAGES, 192-251
article on, 192-196
payment of, 197-198
Wheat, 165-168
acreage, yield, and value of, of the United States for ten years, 166
acreage, yield, and value of, of Pennsylvania for ten years, 166
annual yield of, from 1871 to 1880, of Pennsylvania, 167
Wire-work, 98
Wooden-ware, 98
Wool hats, 134
Woolen manufactures of Philadelphia, 119-121
Woolen manufacturers, 135-136
YARN manufactures of Philadelphia, 122-124
Yarn manufactures, 137-139
ZINC, oxide of, and spelter, 98
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